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28 octobre 2011 5 28 /10 /octobre /2011 13:47

Mis en ligne le 2011-10-28




The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has sent a message on observation of the 50th anniversary of Mongolia”s membership in the UN.

The message says:


“It is a great pleasure to congratulate the Government and people of Mongolia on the 50th anniversary of the country”s membership in the United Nations. UN agencies first became engaged in Mongolia in the early 1960s. Today, 11 agencies are working with Mongolians to achieve the country”s development goals and to improve the lives of all Mongolians.


We are also pleased to have witnessed the country”s successful and peaceful transition to a democratic society. Indeed, Mongolia has been at the forefront of promoting democracy as evidenced by its current role leadership role in the Community of Democracies. Mongolia has been an active member of the UN. It has ratified and acceded to more than 140 international treaties and conventions. It is taking action against climate change and desertification. And it has declared itself a nuclear-weapon-free zone, and played a critical role in creating the annual observance of Disarmament Week.


Mongolia has also become a generous contributor to UN Peacekeeping, and is expanding its capacity and role through the Peacekeeping Training Center and generous contributions to operations in Darfur and South Sudan. The country”s proposal to establish an international think tank for land-locked countries will give further voice to these nations as they face a set of unique challenges.


I had the immense pleasure of visiting Mongolia in 2009, and saw first-hand the country”s natural beauty, its traditional culture, and, above all, the commitment of the Government and people to building peace and prosperity for all at home and around the world,”.


Mr. Ban congratulated Mongolia again on the occasion. He thanked Mongolia for being such an enthusiastic and supportive partner over the past half century. He said Mongolia and the UN look forward to strengthen bilateral ties in further.


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