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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 22:42

Mis en ligne le 2012-12-05


A Cabinet meeting of the Mongolian government was held on 01 December, 2012. Among the twenty issues discussed by the Cabinet members on this day included the need for the additional supply of heat in the eastern part of Ulaanbaatar city. It was decided that a new heat production plant would be constructed in the Bayanzurkh District of the city, next to an outdated heat plant called “US-15”.

Ministers for Economic Development, and Finance were tasked to budget and spend MNT 200 Million on the feasibility study for building a thermal power station with a production capacity of 300 MWt. At the same time, Ulaanbaatar Mayor E.Bat-Uul, Energy Minister M.Sonimpil and Environment and Green Development Minister S.Oyun were tasked to free up a land for constructing the new plant and conduct a research on the construction of infrastructure needed for the development.

According the government press release, once the new plant is built and in operation in the eastern part of the city, some 20,000 households will be have a reliable supply of heat in their homes, and power generation system and the quality of supply will be significantly improved.

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